Our Wedding: Inspiration Board 1

Posted by Studio222 Photography | 2:22 PM | | 24 comments » | Share on Facebook

Nate and I had already decided (even before we got engaged) that we would be eloping in Italy. Since our engagement that plan has evolved a bit to include some of our family and closest friends but basically the idea of a very simple, organic ceremony on top of a cliff on the Amalfi coast remains the same. We won't be having a reception, probably just grabbing dinner afterwards. (Who needs wedding cake when there's gelato?!) and then touring Europe for a few weeks as a honeymoon. Nothing has been set in stone as of yet but Nate and I had tossed around a few ideas (including the color purple and tattooed wedding bands) and I had been stashing away pictures and websites of things that we just loved. Today I thought that I'd put them all together and see what develops and I'm happy to say that I really like what came out of it. Not very traditional, but still classic. I've officially dubbed it "the new classic". Yup, I just made up an entire design genre. So what? ;)

Wedding things I'm obsessed with right now:
. The thought of eating gelato for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for an entire week
. Short wedding dresses
. Plum, lilac, and various other shades of purple
. Antique pocket watches made into necklaces
. Feathers: in hair, in bouquets, on dresses, etc.
. Anemone boquets (Do these remind anyone else of Alice in Wonderland?)
. Christian Louboutins
. Finding the perfect design for a wedding band tattoo
. Classic men's suits in shades of gray
. The thought of seeing Nate's face when he first sees Italy

Image sources: Chanel Polish | Capri | Gelato | Ring Tattoo | Priscilla of Boston Dress | Very Prive Loubous | Private Beach (my image) | Sangria | Black Titanium Band | Hair Piece | Necklace | Suit | Very Galaxy Loubous


  1. Amy S // June 10, 2009 at 2:28 PM  

    Um... those mirrored heels are the most fabulous shoes I've ever seen! And I love the band. Did Nate pick that out? Is that the one he wants? You guys have great taste!

  2. Studio222 Photography // June 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM  

    Thanks Amy!

    I have no idea even where to buy them. They are probably an old design that I'll never be able to find but I just LOVE them!

    And yes, that's the band Nate wants. I think it's really cool. I've never seen one like it!

  3. Meredith // June 10, 2009 at 2:31 PM  

    So beautiful! I've been away from the interweb for a bit, so I missed the engagement. Huge congratulations to you both! I'm so excited to see your pictures!!

  4. Bobby Earle // June 10, 2009 at 2:39 PM  

    Sounds like you need an experienced destination wedding photographer :P

    Seriously though, I'm so psyched for you guys :) Marriage is the best part of my life - and it seems you guys already have that type of connection, so it's just going to get better.


  5. Tira J // June 10, 2009 at 2:50 PM  

    Wow! So gorgeous! Makes me want to get married all over again. I had a lighter plum for my wedding and it was my most favorite thing ever. Even though it was AGES ago! Love all of your ideas and dreams.

  6. Carrie Nicole // June 10, 2009 at 3:36 PM  

    Ok, love it, love it, love it!! Let me know if you happen to need an extra person in Italy just in case. I'll totally be back up! ;)

  7. Ashley McCormick Photography // June 10, 2009 at 4:40 PM  

    Pretty sure you and I have really similar taste. The Amalfi coast is my favorite part of Italy and purple has always been my fave color. I just had a bride that had a feathery dress, feather hairpiece and feathers in her bouquet. I was in love :)

    Your wedding will be beautiful! I'm really happy for you!

  8. Jules // June 10, 2009 at 4:54 PM  

    It all looks divine! I'd love to go to Italy one day, its so close to me but there are so many European countries to visit, where to start?!

  9. Kat // June 10, 2009 at 6:49 PM  

    love the inspirations :)

    but....here's a random comment....

    TNT has "new classics" HAHAH

    it was the first thing I thought about when you said that :)

  10. Kat // June 10, 2009 at 6:49 PM  

    oh! and I might be in that picture!

  11. Studio222 Photography // June 10, 2009 at 7:33 PM  

    @Kat No way! Well, they have them for movies. I'm bringing it into the wedding realms. ;)
    And yes, I think you are in that picture. Do you remember eating tuna and tomatoes on those super hot rocks on the beach that day?

  12. Anonymous // June 10, 2009 at 10:07 PM  

    Love your inspiration board!
    Its VERY similar to ours - instead of platinum - we are using champagne. LOOOOOOVE PLUM.. its so beautiful :)

    Oh, BTW, my vote is for 10/10/10 (Sun). In case you were taking suggestions because I think dates like that are AMAZING!

    Emily Nicholson (soon to be Glennon) ;)

  13. Matilda Anderson // June 10, 2009 at 10:15 PM  

    OH. MY. GOD. Those silver shoes are the Louboutins that I was talking about in my first blog post. Except I was talking about the pink ones! :)

    All of these images are so exciting!!!! I can't wait.

  14. Melanie Watson // June 10, 2009 at 10:46 PM  

    ooh la la... I love it! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds for you guys. I constantly want to plan another wedding. I told Brad after 10 years wedding number two is so on! ;) haha. HOORAY FOR GETTING MARRIED! Seriously its the best! :)

  15. Studio222 Photography // June 11, 2009 at 8:15 AM  

    We've actually talked about that day, but we're afraid it may be popular for brides so we may pick another. ;)
    And yay for PLUM!

    I think you may be my shoe soulmate ;)

  16. Sofie // June 11, 2009 at 8:58 AM  

    Love the way you think - "who needs cake when you can have gelato?"- and love your color scheme!

  17. Brianna // June 11, 2009 at 10:27 AM  

    This made me smile :) Everything is fabulous!

  18. rowena // June 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM  

    The New Classic! I love it! Your wedding is going to be fabulous!!!

  19. Nicole-Lynn // June 11, 2009 at 3:26 PM  

    That is great! Hopefully it will go well and you can do it again for 2011 brides, hoping to be engaged this summer and married in 2011! :)

    Congrats on your engagement btw... I read your blog daily and think you both do an amazing job!

  20. Amy Starks {Starks Photography} // June 11, 2009 at 4:55 PM  

    If I could have another wedding, purple would definitely be a color included, and we would absolutely travel to Italy and make it a small affair.

    I'll live vicariously through you! haha :)

  21. gina&tony // June 12, 2009 at 10:32 AM  

    wow. LOVE THIS. i second going in october! it's by far, the cheapest (and best) time to travel in italy! tony and i got married in florence last october, and the weather was PERFECT. it was like 70+ and sunny the whole time.

    i'd also suggest checking out www.italy-villas-rentals.com. we found a kick ass villa that slept everyone and was way cheaper than a hotel.

  22. Heather Ahrens // June 12, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

    short wedding dresses = win

  23. Nicole-Lynn // June 12, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

    Love your inspiration board! :)

  24. shawnreeder // June 16, 2009 at 4:26 PM  

    I'm so excited for you 2!!